Getting Started
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To update your logo on the software, please follow the below steps:
- On the top-right corner of the screen, hover on to your email address to open a dropdown
- Click on Account Settings option
- In the Account tab, click on Edit Account button
- In the Edit Account form, click on Choose file to select your logo file from your computer
- Click on Next and Finish
Incase you do not see the updated logo after following the above steps it may be due to the browser cache response. Please follow the below steps:
For Windows users: Press Ctrl + Shift + R
For MAC users: Press Cmd + Shift + R
This above action will fully refresh the browser and the updated logo will be visible.
How do I update my l...
What are memberships?
Memberships are basically packages that you sell in your gym / fitness studio. Example: 1 year Gym Membership, 6 months Personal Training Membership, 1 week Zumba Membership.
How to add memberships?
On the left navigation menu goto Memberships & Plans > Add New Membership. You will see a page with a 3 steps form.
Step 1: Membership Details
Membership name:
The name by which you want to identify this membership. Eg. Gold, Zumba, Pilates, etc
Membership price:
The amount (excluding tax) at which you are selling the membership.
The validity time period for this membership. Eg. 15 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, etc. Enter the duration in number in the text field and select the duration type from the drop down.
Personal Training membership:
If yes, then check the box.
Consider for Access Control:
Check this box when want this membership's validity to be passed to the access control device.
Click Next.
Step 2: Session Details
Enter the number of sessions:
If the membership has sessions, enter the number of sessions to be allowed in the membership.
Count session by:
Session count is either by Class Bookings, Attendance, or QR Code scan.
- Class Bookings: This option is connected with the Class Calendar feature. When a member has purchased a membership that is connected to Class, the session count will be adjusted when class booking is made.
- Attendance: In this option, the session count will be adjusted when the members marks their attendance either by scanning the attendance QR code or via the biometric device.
- QR Code: This option is generally used for Personal Training memberships. The session count will be adjusted when the member generates a QR code in their member app, and the trainer scans the QR code from the Okfit Manager app.
Step 3: Connect to Class
Connect to Class:
This membership can be connected to multiple classes. When a membership is connected to a class, the member can avail booking to all the classes included in this membership after they purchase this membership.
How to add Membershi...
To start using Okfit services, you need to first create your account. The entire Sign Up process will take under 5mins. So let's get started:
First, in your browser tab, type in the address bar to open the website.
Next, on the right, you'll find a Create Your Account form.
Fill in the text fields with the name of your fitness studio, your email address and a password you wish to use to login.
Once done, click on Start 7 day FREE trial. An email with the signup link will be sent on your email address.
Note: Incase you don't see the email in your Inbox, check the Spam folder.
Next, click on the signup link inside the email and you'll be redirected to the login page.
Next, enter your email address and password in the text fields and click Login.
Finally, complete the Account Setup form and click Finish. These details can always be edited later.
If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected]
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To create a desktop shortcut for, please find the steps below
- On Google Chrome web-browser type in the address bar
- Click on the 3 dots button on the top-right
- Select Save and Share option and then Create Shortcut
- Click Create to create the shortcut and select the location as your Desktop
How to create a desk...
Tax (GST / VAT) details can be added to the invoice by updating it in your Account Settings option.
To update the tax details, please follow the below steps:
1. Login to your account from Super Admin user
2. On the top right, hover to your email address to see a dropdown
3. Click on Account Settings
4. Under the Account tab, click on Edit Account
5. Click on Next to goto the Tax Info section
6. Update the required information and click Finish
Note: If you are a GST / VAT registered business, the invoices raised for your members will automatically reflect the tax details.