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Super Admin, Admins and other Staff roles can login to the Okfit Manager app by using the email address and password that was set at the time of adding their staff profile.
Incase, the staff has been restricted web-portal access, they can login to the Okfit Manager using OTP.
How to use OTP to login to the app?
The OTP is generated from the web-portal from Super Admin access. To generate the OTP please follow the below steps:
1. Login to the web-portal via Super Admin access
2. On the left navigation menu, goto Staff > View Staff
3. Click on the staff name
4. Click on Generate App OTP button on the Staff Info panel header
5. Share the OTP with the staff
6. The staff has to use the Login with OTP option on the Okfit Manager app and enter the given OTP
How to login to Okfi...
You can allow different staff to access the software by adding them as Staff under your account. They will be able to access the features based on the role they are logging into.
How to add Admin roles
1. Login from Super Admin user
2. On the left navigation menu, goto Staff > Add Admin
3. Enter the Admin details, with their username and a password
4. Click Submit to save
Admins are business partners and have access to both financial and operational data.
How to add other Staff roles
1. Login from Super Admin user
2. On the left navigation menu, goto Staff > Add Staff
3. Enter the Staff details, with their username and a password
4. Click Save
Manage Staff roles
Roles can be customised to certain extent from option Staff > Manage Staff Roles
How to add staff rol...
The Trainer’s schedule option allows you to add the trainer’s training time slots or their on-floor times.
This helps in managing the members per trainer more efficiently.
Add Trainer’s schedule
Goto the Trainer’s profile from Staff > View Staff option
Click on Add Schedule
Select the Weekday, Slot Start Time and Slot End Time
Click Save
Once the trainer’s schedule is added, the member can select the Training Slot and a report for all Trainers will be available under Members > Training Planner