Access Control
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Member has no active membership or membership is not considered for access control
If you are seeing the above error message, it means the member has no ongoing membership or the membership has not be set to 'Consider for Access'.
How to set 'Consider for Access'?
The membership has to be set to 'Consider for Access' true to share it's validity with the biometric device. To make the setting follow the below steps:
1. Goto Memberships & Plans > View Memberships
2. In the Action column, click Edit Membership
3. Check mark 'Consider this membership for access control'
4. Click Next, Next and Save

Member has future date membership
A future date membership date validity cannot be passed to the access control device. Once the membership status changes to Ongoing, you will be able to assign biometric access to the member.
This is to prevent misuse of services before the start of membership.
Unable to assign bio...
Why is a member with valid membership is denied access?
Sometimes you may notice a member with a valid membership is denied access by the door controller. This usually happens when the device is OFF or not connected to internet when the membership was assigned to the member. This prevents the latest validity to be passed to the device as the software is unable to connect to the device.
To prevent this, make sure the device is ON and always connected to internet at the time of assigning / editing a membership for a member.
How to adjust validity on the device and resolve this issue?
1. Make sure the device is connected to power and internet
2. Goto the Member Profile page
3. In the Member Info panel, click on Sync with Biometric
If the device is reachable, then the correct validity will be updated on the device.
Why is a member with...
Your gym members, trainers, receptionists, house keeping staff and guests can be enrolled to Matrix access control device directly from the web-portal without installing of any 3rd party software.
Matrix Biometric Access Control integration
Member enrollment
To enrol a member to Matrix access control device, goto the Member Profile page. In the Overview tab, Member info panel scroll down to Assign Access Control button.
A modal will Start enrolment button will open. Next, click on the button and Matrix access control device will beep to indicate it is ready to register a new fingerprint / RFID tag.
The member should place their finger on the scanner on the device or show their RFID tag on the device till a success beep is emits from the device.
The member is successfully enrolled.
Staff enrollment
To enrol a staff to Matrix access control device, on the left navigation menu goto Staff > View Staff. In the View Staff table, goto the Action column and click the Assign fingerprint button.

A modal will Start enrolment button will open. Next, click on the button and Matrix access control device will beep to indicate it is ready to register a new fingerprint / RFID tag.
The staff should place their finger on the scanner on the device or show their RFID tag on the device till a success beep is emits from the device.
The staff is successfully enrolled.
To enrol Admins, goto Staff > View Admins and follow the above steps. And to enrol Guests, goto Staff > View Guests and follow the above steps.
If you have other questions regarding enrolment, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected]